Monday, September 2, 2019

Big temporary changes in my life

So, let's cut to the chase. My GF moved to Lisbon today, and she'll be living there till next summer. She moved there as exchange student. She will visit home though in between, but still, living alone with Nasu will be a test, to me, as well as to our relationship. We have lived in distant relationship in the past for under a year, and now we have lived together for almost 4 years. I will be visiting her in Lisbon too at least once, if I just have the money and time.

My current job is something I don't want to do, but I can't leave it until I get a new job, because of finances. I am job hunting hard to catch myself a new job, something full-time, and probably a day job. At the moment I am working as newspaper courier, so I work only night shifts, and it has caused me both mental and physical pain and stress. It will be hard for me to keep myself together if I can't get out of this job sooner better than later.

My mental health will take a hit, I would be lying if I said it wouldn't. I have a dog to look after, and I am taking lot of stress about it, because this is the first time I'll be living alone with a dog for over 2 months. What if I can't do this? Other than taking care of Nasu -stress, my social life is a mess. I can't get myself to talk to even the most important friends in my life, no matter how hard I try, and right now when I'm living alone, those are the people I really need. It will be hard for me to go to places, because I'll be having hard time getting someone to dogsit Nasu. I know there are people I can get him to, but I am very bad at making it happen. But if anyone I know ever wants to come walk Nasu, or just come play with him, please hit me up. I will need those people to keep myself alive.

Right now first step is to try to catch myself that new job. My job hunt is on 110%, so I just hope some employer out there wants me to work for them. And wants to teach me to do that job, because I'm honestly speaking not qualified for anything. If you really want to know more or just talk to me about anything, feel free to hit me up in any social media. I will still be here for everyone who feels like they need help. I'm still the same me, even if I'm going through some struggles. I still live for my friends, because they are my main source of energy. Thanks for being you. 

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